Documentation > IPUMS API Program > API Roadmap

IPUMS API Program Roadmap

These are some thoughts about our future roadmap. These are plans, not promises, and plans will almost certainly change as we gain more experience and user feedback. But here’s what we’re currently thinking!

Short Term

In the short term we will be focused on adding more support into the ipumspy and ipumsr API client SDKs to cover more of the API functionality, and investigating whether we can add more data collections’ data to the API.

Medium Term

Medium term directions will partially depend on usage and user feedback. However, we anticipate the following work areas:

  • expanding the API user base
  • adding support to the API for more of the operations that are available via the website
  • increasing metadata available via the API to support more use cases
  • aggregate data streaming support

Long Term

Further into the future, we hope to bring more real-time data streaming and data tabulation functionality to fruition.