> IPUMS API Program
> Changelog / What's New
Changelog / What's New
Version 2, February 2025 Updates (Released 2/12/25, 2/19/25, 2/25/25)
- New Features
- In the metadata returned for a single NHGIS time series table:
- A new listing of valid geographic instances that can be requested for extent selection
- In the listing of geographic levels available for the table, a new field (hasGeographicExtentSelection) indicating the levels for which geographic extent selection is available
- In the metadata returned for a single NHGIS time series table:
- Miscellaneous
- The API no longer requires that an extract request includes specified geographic extents when requesting NHGIS source tables for a geographic level that has extent selection. If no extents are specified, NHGIS will include all areas in the extract.
Version 2, October 2024 Update (Released 10/4/2024)
In October 2024 we released an update to IPUMS API Version 2, adding endpoints for IPUMS NHGIS supplemental data, which includes geographic crosswalks, 1980 block boundary files, and environmental summaries. This was a non-breaking update which maintains backwards compatibility with the original Version 2 release.
- New Features
- Access to IPUMS NHGIS Supplemental Data
Version 2, May 2024 Update (Released 5/2/2024)
In May 2024 we released an update to IPUMS API Version 2 which added more data collections and features. This was a non-breaking update which maintains backwards compatibility with the original Version 2 release.
- Please see upgrading to Version 2, May 2024 Update for information about how to upgrade API-consuming code to work with the new features of the May 2024 update.
- New Data Collections
- Partial IPUMS Health Surveys (NHIS, MEPS) and IPUMS Time Use (ATUS, AHTUS, MTUS) data extract functionality (see here for supported functionality)
- New Features
- Sample members selection (ATUS)
- “Include Eldercare” option (ATUS)
- Rectangularizing extracts on record types other than Person
- Users can include previously created system and user-defined time use variables in API data extract requests for the Time Use collections. The API does not yet support creation of time use variables, but can refer to variables that were created in the IPUMS Time Use webapp.
- Bugfixes
- Better error handling when attempting to include data quality flags for variables which do not have data quality flags.
- Fixed the
endpoint to return all of the same data table attributes that are returned by the/metadata/nhgis/data_tables
- Miscellaneous
- Allow metadata endpoint URLs to be constructed in the same manner as data extract URLs by including the collection as a parameter e.g.
. The existing/metadata/nhgis/data_tables
form still works but may be deprecated in a future version of the API. - Documentation updates and fixes
- Allow metadata endpoint URLs to be constructed in the same manner as data extract URLs by including the collection as a parameter e.g.
Version 2 (Released 3/3/2023)
- Please see upgrading to Version 2 for information about how to upgrade API-consuming code to work with Version 2.
- [BREAKING CHANGE] The data extract request payload JSON member keys (field names) were changed from snake_case to camelCase to conform with JSON best practices.
- [BREAKING CHANGE] Query parameters have changed from snake_case to camelCase to stay aligned with our JSON payload member key change.
- [BREAKING CHANGE] The DataExtractResponse schema has changed. Most extract details are now encapsulated within a new top level JSON member key
. - [NOTE] The
query parameter format switched from vVERSION to just VERSION starting with Version 2. Therefore, whereas Version 1 requiredversion=v1
Version 2 requiresversion=2
- New Data Collections
- Partial IPUMS International data extract functionality (see here for supported functionality)
- New Features
- Case selection support for USA, CPS and IPUMS International
- Attached characteristics support for USA, CPS, and IPUMS International
- Data quality flag support USA and CPS
- Hierarchical extracts support for USA, CPS, and IPUMS International
- Support for year selection for time_series_table extracts for NHGIS
- Support for paging API results
- New /data_tables endpoint to list all data_tables across all datasets for NHGIS
- data_tables response metadata now contains the universe and the count of variables for NHGIS
- Bugfixes
- NHGIS data extract request responses were not returning a status. Now returns ‘queued’ status.
- NHGIS now returns breakdown values in the proper order and no longer returns breakdown values with no value.
- NHGIS now returns dataset and time_series_table metadata in proper year-sorted order.
- Microdata collections’ extracts listings no longer error if a non-existent sample or variable is encountered in a prior extract request
- Miscellaneous
- Created Version 2 documentation and relocated Version 1 documentation
- Documentation updates and fixes
- Retired the beta user role and manual approval process
Version 1 (Released 3/3/2023)
- We introduced a unified IPUMS API versioning strategy.
- IPUMS API Version 1 includes all API functionality that was released prior to March 2023.
- IPUMS USA and IPUMS CPS data extract functionality exited beta status and entered stable status.